Newborn and Infant Care Educational Materials
ABCs of Safe Sleep/Safe Sleep, Every Sleep | English | Español |
Babies Cry | English and Español |
Care Line Flyer | English | Español |
Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma | English | Español |
Care for an Uncircumcised Male Infant or Child | English | Español |
Constipation in Babies Younger Than 12 Months Old | English | Español |
Diarrhea in Babies Younger Than 12 Months Old | English | Español |
Fever in Babies Younger Than 12 Months Old | English | Español |
Vomiting in Babies Younger Than 12 Months Old | English | Español |
Is This Crying Okay or is it Colic? | English | Español |
Jaundice in Babies | English | Español |
Umbilical Cord Care | English | Español |
Your Baby and Diaper Rash | English | Español |
Taking Your Child’s Temperature | English | Español |
Acetaminophen Dosage Chart | English and Español |
Ibuprofen Dosage Chart | English and Español |
Wash Your Hands | English and Español |
Thrush | English and Español |
Make Time for Play Time | English and Español |
Temperament Tip Sheet | English | Español |
Talk with Me Baby | English and Español |
Look Out for Lead | English and Español |
Baby Basics | English and Español |
Your Growing Baby Series
Newborn Baby | English | Español |
One to Two-Month-Old Baby | English | Español |
Three to Four-Month-Old Baby | English | Español |
Five to Six-Month-Old Baby | English | Español |
Seven to Eight-Month-Old Baby | English | Español |
Nine to Eleven-Month-Old Baby | English | Español |
Additional DPH Resources
Newborn Screening | English |
Depression During or After Pregnancy | English | Español |
Maintaining and Increasing Your Milk Supply | English and Español |
Moms Helping Moms | English | Español |
Five Steps to a Good Latch | English and Español |
Engorgement | English and Español |
Breast Milk Expression and Storage | English | Español |
How to Prepare Infant Formula | English and Español |
Spitting Up: Is This Normal? | English and Español |
Fussy Baby | English and Español |
Methods of Birth Control | English and Español |
Secondhand Smoke | English | Español |
Substance User: Risks to You and Your Family | English | Español |
Know the Facts: Protect Yourself Against STDs | English |
Give Your Child a Healthy Smile | English | Español |
Surround Your Baby with Protection | English and Español |
Quit Smoking for You and Your Baby | English |
Preventive Health Services and Solutions | English |