Improved Community Standards: HL7 via HTTPS

With the implementation of SIMON, DPH will accept HL7 messages via HTTPS exclusively.
The benefits of HTTPS using WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) are:
- CDC WSDL meets stage 3 meaningful use
- CDC WSDL is the IIS community-selected standard for transport
- CDC WSDL standardizes and simplifies interoperability between IIS and HL7 senders
DPH will utilize WebIz Immunization Information System HL7 2.5.1 Release 1.5 Local Implementation Guide (pdf) for HTTPS HL7 messages.
Using CDC WSDL with SIMON provides:
- Real time, synchronous processing of VXU and query messages
- Response messages are immediately returned to be consumed and processed by the original sender’s application
- Ability to send a patient’s record and then immediately query SIMON to receive a response with the patient’s updated record
- Improved data quality by providing an analytics report card to providers
- Querying and forecasting features available
Using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Resources
Electronic health record (EHR) vendor's HL7 messages must meet the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) requirements. These four resource videos will outline the process for an EHR vendor to follow to receive NIST HL7 message certification. Once a vendor has received certification, SIMON onboarding will be simplified.
NIST Resource Videos
Contact Us
We value your input as we modernize and continue to provide quality immunization services and increase our vaccine coverage in South Carolina. If you have questions, please email