The Certificate of Need Program administers a regulatory regime known as the State Certification of Need and Health Facility Licensure Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") that is set forth in S.C. Code Sections 44-7-110 to 44-7-230. 

The purpose of the Act is to promote cost containment, prevent unnecessary duplication of health care facilities and services, guide the establishment of health facilities and services which will best serve public need and ensure high quality services are provided in health facilities in this State.

If you have a question as to whether the Act applies to an existing or proposed health facility or service, you may seek a determination from the Department by writing the CON Program at the address listed below. Department staff are not able to provide you with an applicability determination by the telephone, only respond to general questions about the Act and how it is administered by the CON Program. 

NEW! - CON Mailing Address

Effective immediately, the Certificate of Need (CON) Program has a new USPS mailing address. If you need to send USPS mail to the program, please use the new address listed below:

Certificate of Need Program
SC Department of Public Health
P.O. Box 2046
West Columbia, SC 29171

Packages being sent to the Certificate of Need (CON) Program, via UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc., should continue to be sent to 2100 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201 until further notice.

Regulations and Code of Laws

Regulation & Licensing