EMT-Basic candidates who successfully complete a South Carolina-approved EMT-Basic course that uses the 1994 DOT EMT-Basic curriculum; successfully pass the National Registry EMT-Basic (i.e. the State of S.C. basic written and practical examinations); and receive subsequent South Carolina certification as an EMT-Basic, are authorized to perform the following skilled activities (all skills can be used on adult, child and infant patients unless otherwise stated):
General Skills
- Patient assessment
- Vital signs
- Patient lifting
- IV Maintenance* (involves ONLY monitoring and maintenance of previously initiated IV lines as well as calculation and adjustment of flow rates - fluids NOT containing any medications or blood products).
- Monitoring of blood glucose with use of automated chem-strip analysis* (Local option - training to be done by the individual EMS provider with medical control supervision).
- EMT Administered Medications (Oxygen, Activated Charcoal,* Ipecac,* Instant Glucose*)
- EMT Patient Assisted Medications* (Nitroglycerin, Epi Auto-injectors, Prescribed Inhalers)
- CPAP* (Local option-training to be done by the individual EMS provider with Medical Control (Physician supervision).
- Primary administration of epinephrine auto-injector for severe anaphylaxis* (Local option-training be done by the individual EMS provider with medical control physician supervision).
Before using these skills, EMT-basics must be affiliated with an SC-licensed ambulance provider and be granted authority (online or off-line) by the provider's medical control physician.
Training in all "local option skills" are to be done by the individual EMS provider with medical control physician supervision.