Dating Violence People Images

Dating violence can have lasting effects on the lives of everyone it touches. It is imperative for South Carolina to put an end to dating violence. We need to stop the silence and break the vicious cycle of violence.

What is dating violence?

Dating violence is the performance or threat of an act of violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other member within the context of dating. This may include any form of sexual assault, physical violence, and verbal or emotional abuse.


  • Physical Violence — any act or behavior that causes or intends to cause bodily harm, including hitting, punching, slapping, biting or kicking.
  • Verbal and Emotional Abuse — an attempt to destroy a person’s sense of worth or self-esteem, including name calling, jealous behavior, restricting a partner’s social life or scaring away friends and family, or humiliating a partner.
  • Sexual Abuse — any sexual activity forced upon a person without his/her consent.

What you need to know about dating violence

Dating violence can happen to anyone. One out of every three high school and college students has experienced sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional violence in dating relationships. Although dating violence is common, it is against the law. No one deserves to be hit, slapped, controlled, cursed, or groped.

Warning signs

You may be involved with a violent person if you are dating someone who:

  • Has an explosive temper;
  • Is very jealous;
  • Must be in control of your life;
  • Blames others for their problems;
  • Will not accept "no" as an answer;
  • Forbids you to talk to your friends;Couple laying down
  • Threatens to hurt you if you break up;
  • Makes all the decisions in the relationships;
  • Calls you insulting and embarrassing names;
  • Hits you and promises that it will never happen again ... and then it does;
  • Criticizes what you wear and say, and how you act;
  • Becomes depressed and doesn't want to talk about his/her feelings;
  • Destroys your personal belongings.

Your dating rights

You have the right to:

  • Refuse a date without feeling guilty;
  • Say "no" to physical closeness;
  • Say "I don't want to be in this relationship any longer;"
  • Have friends, including those of the opposite sex;
  • Express your feelings;
  • Change your mind if you choose;
  • Talk with others about your relationship;
  • Be as open or as closed as you feel comfortable;
  • Have your values and beliefs respected; and
  • Stop doing something, even if you're in the middle of it.

Resources to help
