Behavior Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS): Survey Data

  • Using data collected from the world's largest random telephone survey of non-institutionalized people 18 and older, BRFSS tracks health risks in the United States. S.C. data topics include alcohol consumption, access to health care, demographic/social characteristics, diabetes, exercise, falls, HIV and STDs, oral health, tobacco use, emotional support and life satisfaction, asthma and more.

Central Cancer Registry

S.C. Community Assessment Network (SCAN): Customizable Table and Maps

  • Use this interactive system to customize tables and maps based on S.C. health behavior data. Data topics include vital statistics, pregnancy, infant and child health and mortality, childhood lead exposure, cancer incidence and mortality, and more. View SCAN index of topics.

South Carolina State Health Assessment

Use this comprehensive report to find fact sheets on select diseases/conditions among South Carolinians by county and the 10 leading causes of death in each county.

Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) Rates

  • For certain medical procedures, S.C. hospitals are required to report the number of infections patients acquired after hospital admittance. You can use the HAI interactive comparison tool to see how a hospital's risk-adjusted infection rate compares with national averages and that of other hospitals in South Carolina. For general information about DPH's hospital-acquired infection monitoring program, visit the HAI webpage.

Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring (PRAMS)

  • This valuable health data on moms, babies, and high-risk pregnancies comes from DPH's ongoing population-based survey of S.C. women who have recently given birth to a live-born infant, especially women who delivered low birth weight infants. You can create customized tables and maps of the S.C. pregnancy data.