On December 1, 2016, the Office of Public Health Statistics and Information Services hosted the 2016 DHEC Health Data Symposium. The purpose of the event was to share information on some of DHEC's available health data sources. Attendees from the department, colleges and universities, as well as non-profits and community organizations participated. This was the first of what is planned to be an annual event.

On this page, you can view the agenda and get contact information for the presenters.

Statewide Surveys and Vital Records

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and Children's Health Assessment Survey (CHAS) - View Video - View Powerpoint

Chelsea Lynes, MSPH, SC BRFSS/CHAS Coordinator, Division of Surveillance

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Vital records (births, deaths, ITOP, and fetal deaths) - View Video View Powerpoint

Daniela Nitcheva, PhD, Director, Division of Biostatistics

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Statewide Surveys and Vital Records Q&A View Video

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Tobacco and Cancer

Tobacco Surveillance and Evaluation Data in South Carolina - View Video View Powerpoint

Division of Tobacco Prevention & Control

  • Sharon Biggers, Director
  • Daniel Kilpatrick, Surveillance and Evaluation Director
  • Abdoulaye Diedhiou, Surveillance Coordinator

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South Carolina Central Cancer Registry (SCCCR) - View Video View Powerpoint

Stephanie Clugstone, MSPH, Research Analyst

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Tobacco and Cancer Q&A View Video

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Maternal and Child Health

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) - View Video View Powerpoint

Kristin Simpson, PRAMS Coordinator, Division of Surveillance

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Bureau of Maternal and Child Health Data Sources - View Video View Powerpoint

  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Birth Defects Registry
  • Muscular Dystrophy Surveillance, Tracking, and Research Network (MD StarNet)

Portavia Featherstone, Epidemiologist, Division of Research and Planning, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health

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Blood Lead Surveillance Data - View Video View Powerpoint

Harley T. Davis, Program Manager, EPHT

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Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Q & A View Video

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Disease Control and Health Regulation

HIV Surveillance (eHARS) and Other STD Surveillance (STD*MIS) - View Video View Powerpoint

  • Terri Stephens, Director Division of Surveillance and Technical Support
  • Kirk Shull, Epi Capacity Coordinator Division of Surveillance and Technical Support

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Reportable Conditions/Diseases Surveillance Systems (SCION/MAVEN and eLR) - View Video View Powerpoint

Claire Youngblood Data Manager, Division of Acute Disease Epidemiology

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SC EMS ePCR Data Repository; SC Trauma Registry - View Video View Powerpoint

  • Rob Wronski, Director, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma
  • Alia Lien, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma
  • Tony Fernandez, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, EMS Performance Improvement Center

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Disease Control and Health Regulation Q & A View Video

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Data Query and Mapping Tools

Policy and Environmental Systems Tracking Tool (PESTT) - View Video View Powerpoint

  • Alison Grossman Program Coordinator, Office of Community Health Improvement
  • Seth Church, Health GIS Manager

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Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) County Health Profiles - View Video View Powerpoint

Harley T. Davis, Program Manager, EPHT

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South Carolina Community Assessment Network (SCAN) - View Video View Powerpoint

Daniela Nitcheva, PhD, Director, Division of Biostatistics

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Data Query and Mapping Tools Q & A - View Video

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