Yes! Using a quitline can increase the chance that you will be successful in your quit attempt. Studies have shown that phone counseling is more effective than less intensive approaches such as self-help materials and tailored mail.
What is a Quitline?
A quitline is a tobacco cessation service available through a toll-free telephone number. Quitlines are staffed by counselors trained specifically to help smokers quit. A quitline:
- Eliminates the barriers encountered with traditional in-person cessation classes, (transportation, child care, etc.)
- Is readily accessible to those with limited mobility
- Offers access to those who live in rural or remote areas
- Appeals to those who are reluctant to participate in a group program.
The S.C. Tobacco Quitline can also connect you to cessation services and other resources offered in your area.
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)