Director of Community Health & Public Services

The Directory of Community Health & Public Services in South Carolina application lists services for women and children by provider and by county. These services include adoption, childcare, clothing assistance, counseling, emergency services, employment, family planning, financial support, health care, hospitals, housing, legal aid, substance abuse treatment programs, transportation, and services to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

For more information, call DPH's Care Line at 1-855-472-3432.


  • Adoption Services
  • Child Support Services
  • Public Child Care / Day Care Services
  • Counseling & Mental Health Services
  • Crisis / Emergency Services
  • Crisis Pregnancy Services & Adoption Choices
  • Crisis Pregnancy Termination
  • Educational Resources
  • Employment Services
  • Family Planning / Birth Control Services
  • Financial, Food, Clothing, & Housing
  • Health Care Services
  • Special Needs
  • Legal Aid Services
  • Substance Abuse Support & Treatment Programs
  • Transportation Services
  • Violence, Neglect, & Abuse Related Resources