DPH's STD/HIV Division provides contracts to community-based partners (pdf) to deliver HIV, STD and viral hepatitis prevention services.
Request for Grant Applications (RFGA)
Community-Based HIV/STD/Viral Hepatitis Prevention Services
- Request for Grant Applications - RFGA-HV-205 (pdf)
- RFGA-HV-205 - Checklist (pdf)
- RFGA - HV - 205: Questions and Answers (pdf)
- RFGA - HV - 205: Webinar recording
- RFGA - HV - 205: Notice of Award (pdf)
Community-Based HIV Treatment Services
The SC DPH Ryan White Part B Program is requesting grant applications from eligible applicants for Ryan White Part B Program funding to provide comprehensive, high-quality HIV care services for low-income people with HIV (PWH). As part of this application for Ryan White Part B funds, DPH is also accepting applications for Ryan White Part B Emerging Communities (EC), Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) and Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) funding.
- Request for Grant Applications - FY2025-RFGA-HV-407 (pdf) (Posted 11/21/24)
- RWB Subaward Template Sample (pdf)
- RWB Program Budget Narrative & Cost Allocation Plan Template (.xlsx)
- RWB Implementation Plan (.xlsx)
- RWB Emerging Communities Implementation Plan (.xlsx)
- RWB Minority AIDS Initiative Implementation Plan (.xlsx)
- RWB Ending the HIV Epidemic Implementation Plan (.xlsx)
- RFGA Attachment 1 - Subrecipient Risk Assessment (.docx)
- RFGA Attachment 5 - Applicant Information Form (.docx)
- Answers to Questions Revised (pdf) (Posted 12/20/2024)
- RFGA-HV-407 - Notice of Intent to Award (pdf) (posted 2/18/25)
Community-Based HIV Services
The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control offers this Request for Grant Applications for the funds administered by DPH for the State of South Carolina from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Housing for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program. It is the intent of DPH to accept applications to fund HOPWA Project Sponsors to provide emergency housing assistance, defined as short-term rent, mortgage, and utilities (STRMU) assistance; supportive services, permanent housing placement (PHP), and transitional short-term housing subsidy (TSHS) to low-income persons with HIV disease who are homeless or who are at risk of becoming homeless.