Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) are monetary penalties imposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) against nursing homes that have failed to maintain compliance with federal requirements. A portion of CMPs collected from nursing homes are returned to the states in which the CMPs were imposed and may be reinvested or used for projects supporting activities that benefit nursing home residents and that protect and improve their quality of care or quality of life. CMP funds may be used for, but not limited to the following:

  • Training or technical assistance
  • Assistance to support and protect residents of a facility that closes or is decertified
  • Culture change/quality of life
  • Projects that support resident and family councils and other consumer involvement
  • Resident transition due to facility closure or downsizing

Phone: 803-545-4565

Healthcare Quality
2100 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201


Who May Apply for CMP Funds?

Funds may be granted to any entity for proper use of CMS-approved projects to protect or improve the quality of life for nursing facility residents provided that the responsible receiving entity is:

  • Qualified and capable of carrying out the intended project or use.
  • Not in any conflict-of-interest relationship with the entity or entities that will benefit from the intended project or use.
  • Not paid by a State or federal source to perform the same function as the CMP project or use. CMP funds may not be used to enlarge or enhance an existing appropriation or statutory purpose.

Examples of eligible organizations include, but are not limited to:

  • Consumer advocacy organizations
  • Resident or family councils
  • Professional or State nursing home associations
  • Certified nursing homes
  • Private contractors

South Carolina Approved Projects

Project Title/EntityProjectAwardTerm
Bingocize SC/Winthrop UniversityThe primary goal of this project is to implement Bingocize® in 60 SC CNFs to positively affect residents’ quality of life. Our secondary goal is to facilitate strong community partnerships between CNF staff and WU, AU, and CCU so they can work together to implement Bingocize® for CNF residents. These goals will be met by achieving the following project objectives.$872,411.2902/08/2022 - 02/08/2025
Personalized Art 4 Life/Tennessee Technical UniversityThis project will enhance the quality of life for residents living with cognitive, mental, and/or developmental challenges. Reduced agitation and other challenging behaviors, including symptoms of anxiety, depression and isolation. The project also aims to enhance cognitive function, communication, autonomy, positive interactions, and well-being. It will reduce the use of anti-psychotic medications. The projects will also reduce caregiver burden by enhancing relationships, facilitating care, and reducing stress. Staff and student appreciation of arts-based interventions will increase while providing opportunities for uniquely rewarding life-affirming moments associated with arts-based interventions.$598,10101/01/2022 - 12/31/2024
South Carolina Long-Term Care Emergency Preparedness Educational Program/University of GeorgiaThis project will provide training that is intended to education long-term care administrators, clinical staff, and non-clinical staff with critical knowledge, skills, and abilities related to disaster and emergency management decision-making and planning.$1,261,091.8806/01/2021 - 06/01/2024
iN2L (It's Never Too Late)/South Atlantic HealthcareThis project will implement the It's Never Too Late (iN2L) program. The person-centered project will aim to improve all aspects of the residents' lives - social, cognitive, spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. The iN2L offers diverse solutions for resident engagement to help reduce social isolation.$439,35502/10/2020 - 02/10/2023
The Resident Enlightenment Encounters Project/South Atlantic HealthcareThe purpose of this project is to enhance residents' overall quality of life, mitigate restrictions and isolation imposed by chronic medical conditions, and improve their rehabilitation outcomes.$946,779.9506/01/2020 - 06/01/2022
Reducing Avoidable Hospitalizations Across the Continuum of Care/Florida Atlantic UniversityThe purpose of this project is to create a decision guide entitled "Go to the Hospital or Stay Here?" and to provide training to nursing home facilities. This project will provide a guide for nursing home patients and families to use when making decisions on conditions and when a decision of hospitalization has to occur.85,600.6001/01/2017 - 
It’s Never Too Late/Lexington Medical Center Extended CareThis project will implement the It's Never Too Late (iN2L) program. The person-centered project will aim to improve all aspects of the residents' lives - social, cognitive, spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. The iN2L offers diverse solutions for resident engagement to help reduce social isolation.82,488.4403/01/2019 - 
Fewell and Stone Pavilion- Day room/CM Tucker Jr. Nursing Care CenterThe project will achieve an environment of home on the secure unit. Furniture and activities will be implemented that are conducive to engaging residents. Residents on the secure unit will become better engaged and enhance their daily routines involving a multi-sensory experience for them to partake.2,497.0008/12/2019 - 04/01/2020
Enhancing Quality of Life for Dementia Resident/Bayview ManorThe project will build shadow boxes to be able to display items that will assist with memories. Also, there will be the addition of murals, interactive flowers in the secure unit, a Fire Stick and therapeutic DVDs, flowers and Koi for the pond, weighted blankets. This will create a more interactive experience for these residents and will provide a much more calm and peaceful area for the residents to enjoy.2,440.6003/25/2019 - 05/01/2020
Fewell and Stone Pavilions- Establish a Night Room for Quality of Life/C.M. Tucker Nursing Care CenterThe purpose of this project is to create a night room with sensory equipment for residents with Dementia and the resident’s quality of life. Specialized sensory equipment would be utilized when a resident exhibits signs or symptoms of agitation and anxiety. The project will enhance overall quality of life involving a multi-sensory experience for them to partake.2,493.4204/17/2019 - 04/01/2020
Roddey Pavilion-Gardening Project/CM Tucker Jr. Nursing Home CenterThe purpose of this project is to establish a garden for residents to participate in planting, caring, watering, picking, and enjoying the plants.2,479.8810/30/2019 - 04/01/2020
The Resident Enlightenment Encounters Project/South Atlantic Health Care-This project will implement the It's Never Too Late (iN2L) program. The person-centered project will aim to improve all aspects of the residents' lives - social, cognitive, spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. The iN2L offers diverse solutions for resident engagement to help reduce social isolation.946,779.9506/01/2020 - 06/01/2022
A Vision for Aged Eyes Project/Bayview ManorThe project will use It's Never Too Late (iN2L) technology to engage residents and introduce them to experiences that were once lost because of their physical and environmental changes. The person-centered technology will enable residents to make choices based on individualized likes and dislikes, improving their total well-being.94,116.4507/01/2020 - 07/01/2022
Fewell and Stone Pavilions- Establish a Night Room for Quality of Life/C.M. Tucker Nursing Care CenterThe purpose of this project is to create a night room with sensory equipment for residents with Dementia and the resident’s quality of life. Specialized sensory equipment would be utilized when a resident exhibits signs or symptoms of agitation and anxiety. The project will enhance overall quality of life involving a multi-sensory experience for them to partake.2,493.4204/17/2019 - 04/01/2020


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