Infant Formula Safety Concerns

Some WIC participants have expressed concern about infant formula safety following the March 18 Consumer Reports publication. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates infant formula and if they determine that a formula is unsafe, they will remove it from the market. As a result of this report, the FDA announced a new initiative to strengthen its oversight of the formula industry, including increased testing for heavy metals and other contaminants. Currently, the FDA has not determined that any formulas in U.S. commerce are unsafe and require market removal. Our WIC team will keep participants updated if anything changes.

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¿Necesita ayuda? Si tiene dificultad para comprender inglés o tiene alguna discapacidad, puede solicitar asistencia de idiomas gratuita u otro tipo de ayuda. Estos servicios están disponibles a pedido. Comuníquese con la clínica WIC de su localidad.

Usando bonos WIC, usted puede comprar las siguientes fórmulas Similac:

  • Similac Advance
  • Similac Sensitive
  • Similac Total Comfort
  • Similac Soy Isomil

El programa WIC de Carolina del Sur es un programa de nutrición complementaria. No provee toda la fórmula que un bebé o niño puede necesitar al mes. Nuestro programa tiene un contrato con Nestlé para proveer fórmulas de bebés (Good Start Gentle, Good Start Soy y Good Start Soothe).

Para bebés que requieran una fórmula médica "especial", es necesario presentar documentación. Su proveedor de salud debe completar el Formulario WIC de documentación médica para fórmula (formato PDF).

To ensure our program continues to offer the highest level of services we have created a Medical Referral Form (formato PDF). The purpose of the form is to collect accurate and up-to-date anthropometric data. Your office may have clients request the form be filled out for their next WIC appointment, or it can be used to refer a new client who would benefit from WIC’s services. To schedule a WIC appointment, please call 1-855-472-3432.

Descargue la lista completa de fórmulas WIC aprobadas en Carolina del Sur (formato PDF).

Vea y descargue la Guía de alimentos de WIC 2024-2025 para obtener detalles sobre los alimentos aprobados.

Are you looking for other clinics in South Carolina? Check out a complete listing of public health clinics.
