In 2023, the Census Bureau named South Carolina as the fastest growing state in the country, with a population increase of 1.7% from 2022 to 2023 . South Carolina's current population is estimated at 5, 373,555 with 27.0% being non-Hispanic Black, 6.1% Hispanic/Latino and 32.4% living in rural areas.
SC Tracking strives to provide a network of integrated health and environmental data to reduce the burden of environmental health related conditions for South Carolinians. SC Tracking offers a portal to health and environmental data, making it easier to access, track and study potential relationships between South Carolina’s environment and health.
In 2016, the World Health Organization estimated that 13.7 million annual deaths were linked to the environment; and having a tracking program makes it easier to track, study and monitor linkages between exposures and health effects related to environmental hazards. Environmental factors that can contribute to adverse health outcomes include air pollution, severe heat, water quality, severe weather occurrences, increasing allergens and changes in vector ecology. South Carolina’s unique climate and geography make it prone to annual snowfall, wildfires, extreme heat, severe storms, coastal and inland flooding, tornadoes, and hurricanes.
Our mission is to offer useful and updated data and information to promote public health action while giving special attention to vulnerable populations.
Program Contact Information
Please provide comments, suggestions, or emails directly to: sctracking@dph.sc.gov.