A message from the Director:
It is my privilege and pleasure to welcome you to the new South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH), an agency tasked with protecting, promoting and improving the health and well-being of everyone in South Carolina.
While the transition from DHEC to DPH hasn’t always been easy, and there are still challenges to come, we now have the unique opportunity to pursue our top goal — helping South Carolina become the healthiest state in the nation.
Our name is changing, but our commitment to our vision of healthy people living in healthy communities is stronger than ever.
DPH will build on DHEC’s legacy, continuously innovating to achieve best practices that help improve our state’s overall health rankings and ensure every South Carolinian is able to optimize their health.
I know first-hand the quality of our employees and the compassion they all demonstrate for others, and the passion they have for making South Carolina a better place. Putting people first is at the center of everything we do. We are here for YOU.
I am very proud and deeply honored to be able to welcome you to our new agency and look forward to the bright future we will create together for our state and each other.

Edward D. Simmer, MD, MPH, DLFAPA
DPH Interim Director