South Carolina Healthcare Alliance for Infection Prevention (SCHAIP)

DHEC established the South Carolina Healthcare Alliance for Infection Prevention (SCHAIP) as a multi-disciplinary task force to advise on the prevention of healthcare-associated infections. SCHAIP brings state partners together for the purpose of implementing a coordinated, effective approach to performing infection prevention initiatives in South Carolina. SCHAIP subcommittees are formed as needed, such as when training, research, or special projects are identified by the committee.

SCHAIP includes representatives from the following organizations and groups:

HIDA Requirements

In May 2006, the South Carolina General Assembly passed the Hospital Infections Disclosure Act. Hospitals must report healthcare-associated infections from selected procedures to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Compliance with the HIDA reporting requirements is a condition of licensure for hospitals that perform the reportable procedures. Please see the Resources page for assistance with NHSN.

Antibiotic Stewardship (ASC-SC)

Antibiotic Stewardship (ASC-SC)

The Antimicrobial Stewardship Collaborative of South Carolina, or ASC-SC, is a partnership between the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy, and DHEC. This partnership works towards improving appropriate antimicrobial prescribing in any healthcare setting in the state. The term antimicrobial prescribing is the practice of giving patients medication, such as antibiotics, to kill bacteria or other germs that can cause disease.

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)

HAI - Division of Acute Disease Epidemiology

About Us

The Division of Acute Disease Epidemiology HAI Section is dedicated to continually improving infection control and prevention practices in healthcare settings in South Carolina. The HAI Section is responsible for surveillance and data analysis of healthcare-associated infections; the section provides infection control and prevention assistance during facility-associated outbreaks or as requested and can provide limited NHSN technical assistance.