Health Facility Complaints

To file a complaint against a health facility or service regulated by DPH, submit the Health Facility Complaint Form. If you are unable to submit your health facility complaint online, you can call our office at (803) 545-4370 or 1-800-922-6735 and indicate you wish to file a complaint against a health facility or service.

Health Facility Food Safety Complaints

To file a food safety complaint involving a hospital, nursing home, treatment center, or medical facility in South Carolina, submit the Health Facility Complaint Form. If you are unable to submit your health facility complaint online, you can call our office at (803) 545-4370 or 1-800-922-6735 and indicate you wish to file a complaint against a health facility or service.

All retail food safety complaints (restaurants, grocery stores, etc.) are housed under the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Visit the SCDA website for more information.

CNA Abuse Complaints

All allegations of CNA abuse, neglect or misappropriation of resident property, can be reported via the complaint hotline or via the online complaint form.

EMS and Trauma Complaints

To file a complaint about a Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic or EMS agency, submit an EMS Complaint Form.

HHA Hotline and Other Health Facilities or CNA Abuse Complaints

The hotline number is 1-800-922-6735.

X-Ray and Tanning Facility Complaints

Visit the SC DES website for information on how to file a complaint involving an x-ray or tanning facility.

Regulation & Licensing