The previous Regulation 61-22, The Evaluation of School Employees for Tuberculosis required employees of public or private school, kindergarten, nursery or child care center for infants and children required a two-step prior to employment and an annual screening.

The new Regulation 61-22, The Evaluation of Staff of Schools and Child Care Centers for Tuberculosis, effective May 2017, requires only one single Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) be completed for school and child care employees. These screening tests must have been completed within the twelve months prior to hire for those new to working in schools or child care centers. Documentation of TB screening must be documented on a DPH 1420 School Employee Certificate of Evaluation for Tuberculosis form. Potential employees and health care providers may get a blank copy of the D-1420.

SC DPH TB Control and Immunization Divisions have partnered together to create the recommended health education element. Instead of a required annual screening, Regulation 61-22 recommends teachers, employees and volunteers at public and private schools, kindergartens, nurseries or child care centers receive annual health education about tuberculosis and other communicable diseases common to these environments. Get a copy of the health education document.